GIS & You


Where’s the closest store? How does your neighbourhood affect your health? What parts of your community would you like to change? In what ways are the actions of people around you connected to the lives of others around the planet? All of these questions involve geography, and more and more, GIS skills are becoming sought after to better understand these questions and find solutions that can help us build a better world.

Opening Up a World of Opportunity

As a GIS student, using Esri technology enables you to develop the skills necessary to succeed in the 21st century workforce. It provides a foundation to develop geographic literacy, spatial awareness, critical thinking and analytical skills. It can be applied to address real-world concerns such as assessing the impacts of climate change, reducing urban transit gridlock, implementing sustainable energy options and improving the ability of decision makers to operate more effectively.

GIS is one of the fastest growing and exciting technology industries today. A world of opportunity awaits graduates who are skilled at using this technology. Thousands of organizations in hundreds of industries are looking for individuals with formal training and practical experience with GIS.