ArcGIS 4: Sharing content on the web

ArcGIS 4: Sharing content on the web

Product: ArcGIS
               ArcGIS 10.7
               ArcGIS for Desktop
Training type: Scheduled training
Software version:
Duration: 2 Days
Price range: $ 700

ArcGIS supports sharing geographic content across multiple platforms so it is accessible to everyone who needs it, when they need it, however they want to access it. This course teaches how to turn your authoritative GIS data, workflows, and maps into ArcGIS services that can be published to ArcGIS Online, ArcGIS for Server, or Portal for ArcGIS; easily embedded in web maps and websites; accessed by desktop, web, and mobile applications; and deployed to servers on secure internal networks. You will learn how to determine which sharing option is appropriate for your needs.

  • GIS analysts, specialists, and other experienced ArcGIS users who want to share geographic content in web maps and web mapping applications
  • Developers who want to incorporate GIS services and web maps into custom applications
Completion of ArcGIS 2: Essential Workflows or equivalent knowledge is required.